Rigging the Main
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  •  After hauling the clew out to the end of the boom and then making it fast, we hoisted the main a few feet at a time so that Gianna could insert the battens in the batten pockets.  Gianna hauled the main, cleated, inserted the batten I handed her, and then repeated for the next batten.
  • I provided the battens and the encouragement to the first mate.  That's what captains do.
  • We then flaked the main onto the boom and tied her with a few nylon straps.
  • Then we hanked on the storm jib to go sailing (it was a bit breezy)
  • It was only after making the sails ready that I went to start the engine.  It would not start.  Gianna was understandably not happy.    I found the problem with the no start to be a loose wire on the magnetic switch on the starter the following morning. 
  • The year's first sail happened the day after rigging the mainsail on the boom. 
  • Smiles all around.  Finally!